Get involved and help Queenslanders living with cancer by volunteering. Volunteers are the heart of our organisation. Join us to make a greater impact and connect with like-minded people.
Every contribution helps support those living with cancer. Whether a one-off donation or monthly gift, your support ensures funding stability for long-term goals and future generations.
Leave a legacy by including a gift in your Will, starting a tribute page for a loved one, or funding a research grant for early-career cancer researchers driving clinical innovations.
Organise a fundraising event in your community, either as a team or an individual. You can join one of our existing fundraising events or you might like to come up with your own way.
When organisations work together, we can have a greater impact for every Queenslander going through cancer and help amplify our message for all Australians.
However you get involved, you’re making a direct impact on the lives of Queenslanders affected by cancer. See the results of what we’ve all achieved.
Contributions go towards world-class research, prevention programs and support service.
When someone’s diagnosed with cancer, we all want to do everything we can to listen and help. However, one of the greatest sources of stress is often the hardest to talk about and can fly under the radar: the financial burden that comes with a cancer diagnosis. To support Queenslanders and their families, we’ve recently launched a free Financial Counselling Service. We sat down with Kylee, a Financial Counsellor at Cancer Council Queensland, to learn more about the program. Kylee, what unique financial challenges do families face when dealing with cancer?Families often experience a loss of income, as people may need to take time off work for treatment or caregiving responsibilities. The costs of cancer treatment – such as hospital bills, medications, and specialist consultations – are sometimes not covered, and can quickly add up. And then there’s things like home care and travelling for medical appointments. The strain can be even greater for those living in rural or regional areas. Navigating insurance claims, understanding eligibility for government financial assistance, and managing mounting debts can also add to the stress. How can people benefit from the new Financial Counselling Service? Our role is to help families address these financial burdens, find the support available, and ensure they can focus on their care without the overwhelming worry about money. What sort of qualifications do Financial Counsellors have? Financial Counsellors complete a Diploma in Financial Counselling, which equips them with the specialised knowledge and skills needed to support people facing financial hardship – particularly when faced with situations like cancer. Our Financial Counsellors also hold registrations with Financial Counsellors’ Association Queensland. How do people connect with the service? Queenslanders should call 13 11 20. Our appointments are available by phone or video conferencing, Monday to Friday. We also offer face-to-face appointments at our Brisbane office. The service is free to all Queenslanders over the age of 18 who have been impacted by a cancer diagnosis. At Cancer Council Queensland we can also provide direct financial assistance in the form of fuel and grocery vouchers for eligible Queenslanders who are undergoing cancer treatment.