Sponsor a room program

By 2030, over 350,000 Queenslanders will be living with cancer. Now, more than ever, we need your help to ensure no one faces cancer alone, especially providing support for cancer patients in rural and regional areas who often struggle to access lifesaving treatment and vital support services, when they need it most.

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Your donation makes a real impact

Contributions go towards world-class research, prevention programs and support service.

Why your support to sponsor a room matters

Our research shows Queenslanders living in regional and remote parts of the state are up to 44% less likely to survive cancer within five years of diagnosis, compared to those in metro areas.

We know many people may be forced to postpone or refuse treatment due to limited access to cancer support services, and it’s so important our help reaches them.

Recognising this pressing need, Cancer Council Queensland operates five cancer support hubs across the state, located near treatment centres across metropolitan and regional areas. These hubs offer critical support for cancer patients, as well as their families and carers, providing a ‘home away from home’ when they need it most.

Demand for our services is rapidly increasing, with more than 13,000 cancer diagnoses in rural and remote Queensland a year. Our Sponsor a Room program allows individuals and organisations to partner with us in ensuring we’re meeting Queenslander’s needs when they need it most.

Our support hubs

We offer 95 comfortable self-contained units and studio-style apartments across our five centres. While staying with us, guests receive invaluable cancer support services at no cost, including:

  • Guidance from our Supportive Care Consultants.
  • Access to evidence-based cancer information.
  • Access to community activities.
  • Use of our Wig and Turban Service.
  • Referral to our psychological and financial counselling services.
  • Transport to and from our accommodation to nearby hospitals and/or treatment facilities.

At our Support Hubs, Queenslanders undergoing cancer treatment and their caregivers can focus on healing.

How you can sponsor a room

When you sponsor a room, you’re doing more than just providing a home away from home. You’re offering a lifeline of support for cancer patients and their loved ones during their most challenging time.

Your $10,000 gift sponsors a room at any of our support centres, for one year.

Your gift allows us to enhance the amenities and the cancer support services we offer at your chosen support hub, ensuring our guests’ comfort and access to vital support as they go through cancer treatment.

Ready to sponsor a room? Talk to us.

Both businesses and individuals are welcome to enquire.

Questions you may have

What does my $10,000 room sponsorship cover?

Your $10,000 sponsorship supports one room in a Cancer Council Queensland support hub for an entire year. This contribution helps maintain the room, enhance amenities, and provide essential cancer support services including guidance from Supportive Care Consultants, access to our Wig and Turban Service, transport to treatment facilities, and other vital support services that help make sure that regional Queenslanders don’t have to go through cancer alone.

Can I choose which Hub to support?

Yes, you can support any of our hubs across Queensland – Brisbane (Charles Wanstall Lodge), Cairns (Marylyn Mayo Lodge), Rockhampton (Central Queensland Support Centre), Toowoomba (Olive McMahon Lodge), or Townsville (Gluyas Rotary Lodge). We’ll work with you to find the location that best aligns with your preferences.

Is my room sponsorship tax-deductible?

Yes, your $10,000 room sponsorship is fully tax-deductible. We will provide you with a tax receipt for your contribution to Cancer Council Queensland’s accommodation support program.

Will I be able to see the impact of my room sponsorship?

Absolutely! We’ll keep you updated throughout the year on how your sponsored room is helping cancer patients and their families. You’ll receive updates about the number of guests supported and the difference your contribution is making to Queenslanders accessing vital cancer treatment. However, to protect our guests’ privacy, we cannot share specific patient details or arrange visits while rooms are occupied.

Can organisations or groups jointly sponsor a room?

Yes, we welcome both individual and organisational sponsorships. Multiple donors, such as community groups, businesses, or families, can combine their contributions to reach the $10,000 sponsorship amount. Please contact our donor relations team to discuss collaborative sponsorship arrangements.