Search: sex-cord stromal cells

sex-cord stromal cells

Ovarian cells that release the female hormones….

endometrial stromal sarcoma

A type of uterine sarcoma.

spinal cord

The portion of the central nervous system enclosed in the spinal column, consisting of nerve cells and bundles of nerves that connect all parts of the body with the brain….

News: New study to improve sex lives of men with prostate cancer

…unmet sexuality and sexual health needs following treatment. Specifically, rates of erectile dysfunction in prostate cancer survivors are 10 to 15 times higher than their age-matched peers without cancer. Griffith University’s Professor Suzanne Chambers said treatments for prostate cancer, including…

: Cancer: Relationships, Intimacy and Sex

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News: New online resource rekindles sex after cancer

Queenslanders with concerns about sex after cancer have been invited to trial Rekindle, the world’s first online resource specifically designed to improve the sex lives of cancer survivors. Designed by Cancer Council and University of Sydney, the resource offers an…

non-epithelial ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer that does not start in the lining of the ovary. Types include germ cell ovarian cancer and sex-cord stromal cancer….

white blood cells

One of three types of cells found in the blood. They help fight infection. Types of white blood cells include neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes. Also called leucocytes….

urothelial cells

Cells that line parts of the urinary tract, such as where the kidney joins the ureter, in the ureter itself, in the bladder and in some parts of the urethra. This forms a watertight lining. Also called transitional cells….

germ cells

Cells that produce eggs in females and sperm in males. Germ cell cancers can occur in the ovaries or testicles.