Search: non-invasive breast cancer

non-invasive breast cancer

Cancer that is confined to the ducts or lobules of the breast….

invasive breast cancer

Cancer that has spread from the lining of the breast ducts or lobules into the surrounding breast tissue.

invasive lobular carcinoma

A cancer that started in the milk lobules but has spread into the normal breast tissue around it.

minimally invasive surgery

A surgical technique that involves several small cuts instead of one large cut on the abdomen. Also called keyhole or laparoscopic surgery….

invasive ductal carcinoma

A cancer that started in the milk duct but has spread into the normal tissue around it.

invasive cervical cancer

Cervical cancer that has spread deep into tissues at the primary site (cervix), and/or to other parts of the body.

Research snapshot – Non-cancer mortality among survivors of childhood cancer Youlden 2021

…first national study in Australia of deaths due to noncancer diseases among five-year survivors of childhood cancer, showing that they experienced more than a four-fold increased risk of noncancer disease-related death compared to people who did not experience childhood cancer

non-epithelial ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer that does not start in the lining of the ovary. Types include germ cell ovarian cancer and sex-cord stromal cancer….

Research snapshot – Non-stage prognostic indicators for childhood cancer Gupta Aitken 2020

What is known? Various characteristics of a patient’s cancer are known to be important in assessing the likely prognosis, or outcome of the patient’s treatment. Cancer stage (i.e., the extent to which the cancer has spread at diagnosis) is one…