nodular melanoma
A type of cutaneous melanoma. Makes up about 10% of melanomas, and is often more aggressive….
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A type of cutaneous melanoma. Makes up about 10% of melanomas, and is often more aggressive….
…Types of melanoma Melanoma of the skin is known as cutaneous melanoma. The major subtypes are: Superficial spreading melanoma This makes up 55-60% of all melanomas. It is most common in people under 40, but can occur at any age….
What is known? A Melanoma Screening Summit was held in Brisbane, Australia, to review evidence regarding current approaches for early detection of melanomas and explore new opportunities. What is new? The Summit attendees concluded that there is currently insufficient information…
…how accurately they predicted the risk of melanoma in a sample of 1164 people. All of these people had participated in the population-based Australian Melanoma Family Study and information was available for each person on their melanoma risk factors and…
…diagnosed with a single invasive melanoma, the case fatality for thin (<1.0 mm) melanoma was higher during 5-20 years follow-up than for less than 5 years follow-up. For thick melanomas (≥ 4mm) the opposite was true – the case fatality…
The most common type of cutaneous melanoma, making up almost 50% of all cases….
A melanoma that has not spread from its starting point to lymph nodes or other organs.
Melanoma that starts in the skin.
A rare type of cutaneous melanoma that occurs on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet or under the nails.
What is known? Despite overall favourable prognosis, thin (≤1.0 mm) cutaneous melanoma account for 23% of melanoma deaths in Queensland because of the sheer volume of disease. The availability of adjuvant systemic therapy has increased the focus on identifying patients…
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