Search: neck dissection

neck dissection

Surgery to remove lymph nodes and some surrounding structures in the neck, such as muscle, fat or nerves….

metastatic neck cancer with unknown primary

Cancer that is found in the lymph nodes of the neck but the primary location cannot be located. It may have started as a head and neck cancer, and is often treated as such….

News: Wealth and remoteness driving factors for head and neck cancer disparities

…the symptoms of head and neck cancers this week, to aid with early diagnosis. “Possible symptoms of head and neck cancer include a sore throat, voice changes, or lumps in the neck area,” Ms McMillan said. “Symptoms depend on the…

News: Computer just as effective as clinical screening for head and neck cancer patients

…of the symptoms of head and neck cancers. “Possible symptoms of head and neck cancer include a sore throat, voice changes, or lumps in the neck area,” Ms Clift said. “Symptoms depend on the site but can include pain, swelling,…

Blog: Free support forum this World Head and Neck Cancer Day

…Queenslanders affected by head and neck cancer. About 800 people in Queensland are diagnosed with head and neck cancer each year. Among the attendees will be Marty Doyle, who co-founded the Head and Neck Cancer Support Group in 2006 with…

News: New hope for patients with head and neck cancers

…spokesperson Katie Clift said the trial could help to give Queenslanders a better chance of surviving head and neck cancers. “Only about 61 per cent of Queenslanders diagnosed with a head or neck cancer survive more than five years after…


Removal of the lymph glands from a part of the body. Also called a lymph node dissection.


Removal of the lymph glands from a part of the body. Also called a lymph node dissection….


An operation in which a hole is made at the base of the neck into the trachea (windpipe), in order to create a clear airway….