Search: hair follicle

hair follicle

The sac in which hair grows.

News: Supporting those dealing with hair loss

Hair loss is a common side effect for many Queenslanders as a result of cancer treatment and one way CCQ aims to assist people going through this experience is by providing a Wig and Turban Library service. Everyone deals with…

News: Ponytail Project calls on students to rock the chop for cancer

…school community will be affected,” Ms McMillan said. “Ponytail Project empowers students to make a change in the world by supporting people with cancer; people who have not have the choice to lose their hair while they go through treatment….


Each year, more than 32,000 Queenslanders are diagnosed with cancer. Do you need to talk? Whether you or a loved one has been affected by cancer, you can call our help line on 13 11 20, email us, or…

Fundraising events

Run, walk, cycle, shave your hair, climb a mountain, host an Australian Biggest Morning Tea … or fundraise your way. The fun is endless when fundraising for Cancer Council Queensland and your contribution helps us get closer to a cancer…


Male sex hormones that produce male physical characteristics such as facial hair or a deep voice. The main androgen is testosterone that is produced by the testes.