Search: axillary lymph nodes

axillary lymph nodes

Lymph nodes in and around the armpit.

axillary surgery

The removal of some lymph nodes in the armpit, to check whether cancer has spread.

axillary tail

Breast tissue that extends into the armpit.

axillary web syndrome

See cording.

lymph nodes

Also called lymph glands. Small, beanshaped structures that form part of the lymphatic system. They collect and destroy bacteria and viruses.

lymph vessels

Thin tubes that drain the body’s tissue fluid (lymph) from all over the body to lymph nodes.


Tight cord feeling running from the armpit down the inner arm to the hand. Also known as axillary web syndrome.

sentinel node biopsy

Removal of the sentinel node. If this is clear, no further lymph nodes are removed….

radical nephrectomy

The surgical removal of the whole of the diseased kidney. If diseased, the adrenal gland, surrounding fatty tissue and nearby lymph nodes are sometimes removed as well….

neck dissection

Surgery to remove lymph nodes and some surrounding structures in the neck, such as muscle, fat or nerves….