Search: small bowel

Lynch syndrome

A disease that increases the risk of developing bowel cancer. Previously called hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC)….


The opening at the end of the bowel where solid waste matter normally leaves the body. The muscles that control it are called the anal sphincter.


A liquid solution that washes out the bowel.


The main working area of the large bowel, where water is removed from solid waste. Its four parts are the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon and sigmoid colon.


…inserted into different cavities in the body for a close examination. They are often named after the part of the body they are designed to examine, such as a laryngoscope for the larynx and a colonoscopy to examine the bowel….


The part of the body between the chest and hips, which contains the stomach, liver, bowel, bladder and kidneys.

barium enema

An examination of the bowel area using a white contrast liquid called barium. The barium is inserted into the rectum and x-rays are taken.

carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)

A protein that may be in the blood of a person with bowel cancer.

ascending colon

The right side of the bowel.

colonic J-pouch

An internal pouch surgically created using the lining of the large bowel. It may be formed during an ultra-low anterior resection.