Search: small bowel

non-small cell lung cancer

One of the two main groups of lung cancers. Includes squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma….

small cell lung cancer

A type of lung cancer strongly associated with cigarette smoking. It spreads early and causes few initial symptoms….


An operation that connects the small bowel to a surgically created opening (stoma) in the abdomen.

ulcerative colitis

A benign bowel disease that may increase the risk of bowel cancer….


The last 15–20 cm of the large bowel, which stores faeces until a bowel movement occurs….

Crohn’s disease

A benign type of inflammatory bowel disease that may increase a person’s risk of developing bowel cancer.

familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)

A benign condition that causes polyps to form in the large bowel. The polyps will become cancerous if untreated.

News: Meet Stephanie, Relay For Life Volunteer

…Steph’s confident voice began to tremble as she recalled the time she was Face of Relay with another young bowel cancer survivor. Climbing up a small hill during the candlelight ceremony, she looked down on the sea of faces lit…

sphincter (anal)

Strong muscles that form a valve. The anal sphincter muscles relax when a bowel movement occurs….


A projecting growth from a surface in the body, such as the large bowel. Most polyps are benign, but they can become malignant….