Search: life-limiting illness

palliative care unit

A place that provides comprehensive care for people with a limited prognosis. This includes inpatient medical care, respite care and end-of-life care for people who are unable to die at home. It may also offer day care facilities and home…

Pink Ribbon Fundraiser

Show your support for Queensland women Every year 4,200 Queenslanders are diagnosed with breast or gynaecological cancer. Together we can make a difference for all Queenslanders affected. Funds raised help provide lifesaving research, prevention programs and support services for those…

palliative care nurse

A nurse who has specialised in the field of palliative care and is very experienced in helping patients, families and carers with end-of-life care….

complementary therapies

Supportive treatments that are used in conjunction with conventional treatment. They might improve general health, wellbeing and quality of life, and help people cope with side effects of conventional cancer treatment.

specialist palliative care team

A multidisciplinary team with many health professionals who offer a range of services to improve a patient’s quality of life and help with any problems they have. A community nurse or palliative care nurse usually coordinates the team….