Search: invasive breast cancer

News: Robotic surgery giving hope to prostate cancer patients

…prostate, breast or ovarian cancer. “If men have questions about their individual risk of prostate cancer, we recommend they speak with their GP to discuss risk factors and pros and cons of prostate cancer testing.” Prostate Cancer Foundation Australia National…

What is cancer?

…the main symptoms may be coming from the liver. Each cancer is very different in how it is diagnosed and treated. This specific information can be found in our cancer types section. For more information about cancer call Cancer Council…

News: World Cancer Day: Volunteers Can

World Cancer Day aims to raise awareness by uniting and mobilising people the world over in the fight against cancer. The 2016 theme is “We can. I can.” – highlighting that we all have a role to play in cancer

small bowel cancer

A rare cancer that occurs in the small bowel. Also called small intestine cancer….

primary cancer

The original cancer. Cells from the primary cancer may break away and be carried to other parts of the body, where secondary cancers may form….

News: Cancer Council Queensland urges women to prioritise health to reduce burden of women’s cancers

…Queenslanders, no matter where they live, do what they can to help detect cancer early, to give themselves a greater chance of treating the disease successfully.” Women’s cancers include cancers of the breast, cervix, ovaries, uterus, vagina and vulva. Breast