Search: health care team

Research snapshot – Recommendations to improve sustainable care for children with cancer around the world Atun 2020

What is known? Children with cancer in lower-income countries have significantly poorer survival rates compared to those in high-income countries. These differences can be attributed to inequitable access to healthcare services, including cancer prevention programs, treatment, and health care. Additionally,…

Research snapshot – Supportive care needs of regional cancer caregivers Stiller 2021

…had the highest levels of need. Younger regional and remote caregivers require extra family and social support, and assistance with interactions with healthcare providers. Older caregivers need more assistance with managing their own health problems. After the first six months…

Blog: Jenny on self care and volunteering

Cancer Council Queensland’s peer support team talked to one of our Rockhampton Cancer Connect Volunteers, Jenny, about her story and how she practices self-care in her daily life. Tell us about yourself and your story. My story of how I…

News: $100,000 boost for Queensland cancer care providers

…program will also provide a much needed boost for local health care providers, allowing them to deliver a high quality of service.” Last year, 22 organisations across the state benefitted from Cancer Council Queensland’s Community Grants Program. The program funded…

News: Young survivors’ summit builds on cancer care

…from 1-5 December this year. Queenslanders aged 15-25 who are keen to share their experiences and enhance cancer care for young people are invited to apply for the CCQ travel grant. There are about five new cases of cancer diagnosed…

News: Grants provide $100,000 boost for cancer care providers

…for people affected by cancer and their carers,” she said. “The grant program will also provide a much needed boost for local health care providers, allowing them to deliver a high quality of service.” Applications for the 2014 round of…

News: #mymum this Mother’s Day, and show your world you care

Cancer Council is inviting Queenslanders to show their world how much they love their Mum this Mother’s Day, with a brand new campaign: #mymum at #mymum invites Queenslanders to remember Mums they have lost, cherish those who are still…

News: Making cancer care and information accessible this Harmony Day

…(CALD) Cancer Resource Directory, Cancer Council’s 13 11 20, peer support programs, our Practical Assistance Program, Cancer Counselling Service and public health programs. “We need to act as a community and do what we know works to reduce cancer burden…

News: Make a date this Daffodil Day – wear a pin and show you care!

…spokesperson Katie Clift said supporting Daffodil Day was a way to show you care about beating cancer. “The daffodil is the international symbol of hope for those touched by cancer, as it blooms at the end of winter and heralds…

News: National Palliative Care Week – It’s time to talk about dying

…death. “Coping with a loved one’s terminal illness, both emotionally and practically, can be extremely challenging – the PalAssist helpline team is available to listen and to help. “PalAssist also helps Queenslanders access palliative care services, understand what palliative care