Search: central line

chemotherapy pump

A portable device that allows a person to receive chemotherapy at home. The pump is usually attached to a central line and carried around a person’s waist in a bag or belt holster.

Research snapshot – CNS tumours in Australian children Youlden 2021

What is known? Central Nervous System (CNS) tumours occur in the brain and spine. They account for an estimated 21% of childhood cancers diagnosed worldwide and represent the most common cause of childhood cancer-related deaths in high-income countries. What is…

peripheral nervous system

The system of nerves extending outside the central nervous system to the limbs and organs….

spinal cord

The portion of the central nervous system enclosed in the spinal column, consisting of nerve cells and bundles of nerves that connect all parts of the body with the brain….

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that start off in one or both lungs; usually in the cells that line the air passages. The abnormal cells do not develop into healthy lung tissue, they divide rapidly and…


Thin layers of tissue that line the chest wall and cover the lungs….

urothelial cells

Cells that line parts of the urinary tract, such as where the kidney joins the ureter, in the ureter itself, in the bladder and in some parts of the urethra. This forms a watertight lining. Also called transitional cells….

Community Activities

Community activity programs   Cancer Council Queensland’s community activity programs were ceased following the spread of COVID-19 in Queensland. The programs and community activities are presently being reviewed. When the review has been completed further information will be available here…