Search: breast conserving surgery

clear margin

When the surrounding tissue removed during surgery does not contain any cancer cells.


Surgery that involves cutting into the spinal column and removing a spinal cord tumour.

neck dissection

Surgery to remove lymph nodes and some surrounding structures in the neck, such as muscle, fat or nerves….

pathology report

The written test results done on tissue removed during biopsy or surgery. It provides information about the cancerous tissue, including its size and location, hormonal status, how far it has spread, surgical margins and how fast it is growing….

recovery room

A hospital room for the care of patients immediately after surgery….

supracricoid laryngectomy

Surgery to remove the upper part of the larynx, including vocal cords….

supraglottic laryngectomy

Surgery to remove the upper part of the larynx above the vocal cords (supraglottis)….


A type of surgery. The surgeon opens the chest cavity through a cut on the back to examine, biopsy and/or remove the tumour….

wedge resection

Surgery to remove a wedge or part of a lung, but not a complete lobe….

local excision

A type of surgery for selected small rectal cancers. The surgeon operates through the anus to remove the cancer without cutting into the abdomen.