basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
A type of skin cancer that develops in the basal cells of the top layer (epidermis) of the skin.
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A type of skin cancer that develops in the basal cells of the top layer (epidermis) of the skin.
One of the three types of cells that make up the skin’s top layer (epidermis).
The most common type of kidney cancer. Also called renal adenocarcinoma. It begins in the kidney’s nephrons. Types of RCC include clear cell carcinoma, papillary, chromophobe or sarcomatoid kidney cancers….
A type of endometrial cancer.
A type of cancer that begins in the squamous cells. Squamous cells are found in several place in the body, including the top layer (epidermis) of the skin, in the main airways of the lungs, and in the cervix….
Cancer Council Queensland will today call on local government to step up and ban smoking in King George and ANZAC Squares – once and for all. The call follows the failure of a recent motion put to Brisbane City Council,…
One of the two main groups of lung cancers. Includes squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma….
Cancer that occurs in urothelial cells. It can start in the renal pelvis of the kidney, the ureter or the bladder. Sometimes called transitional cell carcinoma (TCC)….
A type of endometrial cancer….
Abnormal cells in the lobes of the breast.
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