Queensland Cancer Statistics Online

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Queensland Cancer Statistics Online (QCSOL) is an interactive platform that provides statistics on cancer diagnoses, deaths, survival and prevalence for the most common cancers among Queensland residents, by age, sex and broad geography.

Generated by Cancer Council Queensland’s Viertel Cancer Research Centre and Information Technology groups QCSOL uses the most recent data available from the Queensland Cancer Register (QCR). The QCR is managed by the Cancer Alliance Queensland on behalf of Metro South Hospital and Health Service for the Queensland Department of Health.

Navigating QCSOL

  • To view QCSOL in full screen mode click the full-screen button in the top right corner of the dashboard. To exit full screen, press the Esc button. 
  • Navigate QCSOL using the tabs at the top to explore pages such as Diagnoses, Deaths, and Survival, and use the drop-down menu to select different cancer types. Figures are available by sex (male, female, or all persons), and both diagnoses and deaths figures can be displayed as counts or rates.
Referencing the website

You are welcome to use the information contained in this website, provided the source is acknowledged. A suggested citation is:

Queensland Cancer Statistics Online, 2025. Viertel Cancer Research Centre, Cancer Council Queensland (https://cancerqld.org.au/research/qcsol). Based on data released by the Queensland Cancer Register (1982-2022; released September 2024).

QCSOL Glossary
Cancer diagnoses

The number of cancers diagnosed each year. This can be reported as a count, or number. Alternatively, it can be reported as a diagnosis rate, which is the number of cancers diagnosed divided by the population.

Cancer deaths

The number of people who die from cancer each year. This can be reported as a count, or number. Alternatively, it can be reported as a death rate, which is the number of cancer deaths divided by the population.

Age-specific counts or rates

The number or rate and cancer diagnoses or deaths for a specific age group

Age-standardised rates

Comparing rates between different time periods or subgroups can be influenced by different age structures. For example one subgroup might be mainly younger people, another subgroup might consist of older people. Standardisation is a technique used to remove the effects of differences in age as much as possible when comparing two or more populations.

Observed counts and rates

The actual data as reported by the Queensland Cancer Register

Trend counts and rates

Straight lines that are generated using statistical models to best fit the observed counts or rates, and reduce random year to year variation.

Annual percentage change

The average percentage change per year in counts or rates based on the best fitting trend line from statistical models.

Lifetime Risk

An estimate of the average risk of a person developing a specific cancer type, or dying from a specific cancer, during their lifetime (from birth to a certain age). It is based on the total population, so ignores specific risk factors for individual people such as smoking.


The probability of remaining alive after a given amount of time following diagnosis of a cancer.

Relative survival

Compares the survival of people diagnosed with a specific cancer against the expected survival of the general population, taking into account age, sex and year of diagnosis.

Conditional survival

The probability of surviving an additional number of years (eg. 5 years) given the person has already survived a certain number of years from the time of diagnosis.

Crude (actual) probability of survival

Measures the probability of death among a group of cancer patients where there are multiple possible causes of death. Among this group, it estimates the average probability of dying from cancer and the probability of dying from other causes within a certain time period (eg 5 years) after diagnosis.


The number of people who had a diagnosis of cancer in the past and are still alive at a specified point in time. It is impacted by both the number of new cases and the length of time patients survive after being diagnosed depending on the type of cancer.

Have a question? Get in touch

If you have further questions regarding QCSOL, please contact statistics@cancerqld.org.au