Search: non-small cell lung cancer


A type of white blood cell that defends the body against bacteria….


A cell that transmits electrical impulses that carry information from one part of the body to the other. The three types of neurons are sensory neurons, motor neurons and interneurons….

mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors

Drugs that block enzymes in the body, which are connected with cell growth and survival….


A pair of organs in the abdomen. The kidneys remove waste from the blood and make urine. The kidneys also produce hormones that stimulate red blood cell production and control calcium levels.

hormone receptors

Proteins in a cell that bind to specific hormones.


The tiny units that govern the way the body’s cells grow and behave. Genes are found in every cell of the body and are inherited from both parents.

germ cells

Cells that produce eggs in females and sperm in males. Germ cell cancers can occur in the ovaries or testicles.

bowel cancer

Cancer of the large bowel; also known as colorectal cancer, colon cancer or rectal cancer.

News: Meet Jenny, Cancer Connect Volunteer

…the switch to Cancer Council Queensland in 2006 – after her younger sister was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003. Jenny’s cancer journey continued in 2006, when she was diagnosed with lung cancer. Back then, lung cancer had a stigma…