Search: breast care nurse

News: Make a date this Daffodil Day – wear a pin and show you care!

…spokesperson Katie Clift said supporting Daffodil Day was a way to show you care about beating cancer. “The daffodil is the international symbol of hope for those touched by cancer, as it blooms at the end of winter and heralds…

News: National Palliative Care Week – It’s time to talk about dying

…on standby at all times to take calls and offer information, advice, referral and psychological support.” PalAssist is expected to receive a high volume of calls from carers, families, and friends of patients during National Palliative Care Week. “It’s estimated…


A place that provides comprehensive care for people with a life-limiting illness. This may include inpatient medical care, respite care and end-of-life care for people who are unable to die at home.

progesterone receptor positive (PR+)

Breast cancer cells that have a receptor protein to which progesterone will attach. Breast cancer cells that are PR+ depend on the hormone progesterone to grow….

oestrogen receptor positive (ER+)

Breast cancer cells that have a receptor protein to which oestrogen will attach. Breast cancer cells that are ER+ depend on the hormone oestrogen to grow….


The removal of part of the breast. Also called breast conserving surgery.

ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)

Abnormal cells in the breast ducts that may increase the risk of developing invasive breast cancer.

Health Professional Cancer Network

Health professionals play a key role in cancer control through cancer prevention, early detection, cancer diagnosis and treatment, survivorship and palliative care. Cancer Council Queensland aims to reduce the incidence of cancer, to diagnose cancer early, and enhance the standard of care for people impacted by cancer by engaging with health professionals and providing access to information and educational opportunities.

As a health professional, you play a vital role in cancer control. The CCQ Health Professional Network is designed to strengthen your relationships with other health professionals working in cancer care and to keep you informed about resources and support…

Professional symposiums and conferences

From time to time, Cancer Council Queensland will list symposiums and conferences run by other organisations, that are related to cancer, on this page. These symposiums and conferences are not managed by Cancer Council Queensland and therefore Cancer Council Queensland…

Share your cancer story

Have you or someone you love been touched by cancer? Help us give hope to Queenslanders affected by cancer by sharing your story. Stories like yours provide comfort and support to others whose lives have been touched by cancer. We…