Search: Lung Cancer

What is cancer?

…the main symptoms may be coming from the liver. Each cancer is very different in how it is diagnosed and treated. This specific information can be found in our cancer types section. For more information about cancer call Cancer Council…

News: Robotic surgery giving hope to prostate cancer patients

…prostate, breast or ovarian cancer. “If men have questions about their individual risk of prostate cancer, we recommend they speak with their GP to discuss risk factors and pros and cons of prostate cancer testing.” Prostate Cancer Foundation Australia National…


An injection between the layers of the lung tissue (pleura). This injection creates an inflammation that closes the space between the pleura. This prevents accumulation of fluid….

pleural effusion

An abnormal build-up of fluid in the pleural cavity (outside the lung itself)….


A non-cancerous condition in which the alveoli of the lungs are enlarged and damaged. It reduces the lung’s surface area, causing breathing difficulties.

Research snapshot – Prevalence of coal mine dust disease Lu 2021

What is known? Coal mine dust lung disease is a group of occupational lung diseases caused by coal miners being exposed to coal mine dust over a period of time. One such disease is coal workers’ pneumoconiosis. Given recent reports…

wedge resection

Surgery to remove a wedge or part of a lung, but not a complete lobe….


A surgical operation to remove a lung….