Search: non-small cell lung cancer

News: New Cancer Council cosmetics tackle premature aging and skin cancer risk

…a GP immediately. More information about Cancer Council Queensland, and being SunSmart, is available at or by calling Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20. Products can be purchased online at or through the Cancer Council Queensland SunSmart Shop,…

Blog: Cervical cancer survivor celebrates five years cancer free

…is needed to move forward and help eliminate the disease. More information about cervical screening visit If you, or a loved one, has been impacted by cervical cancer, please call Cancer Council’s 13 11 20 for information and support….

Blog: Karlie’s Ovarian Cancer Experience – Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

cancer – about 4% of women have these rare types of cancer, which start in the egg-producing cells. It mostly occurs under the age of 40. Sex-cord stromal cancers – rare cancer that starts in the cells in the ovaries…

News: Cancer Council calls on schools to sign-up in QUEST against cancer

…Stay SunSmart every day; and Take the time to be active. Each of these strategies has been proven to help reduce individual risk of cancer. More information about Cancer Council Queensland is available via 13 11 20 or For…

News: Australian Cancer Atlas unpacks cancer burden by locality

…The most common cancers in Australia (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer) are prostate, breast, colorectal (bowel), melanoma and lung cancer. These five cancers account for around 60% of all cancers diagnosed in Australia. Cancer costs more than $4.5 billion in direct…

News: Volunteers powering for a cancer free future: Cancer Council says ‘Thanks!’

…Queensland are made possible by the generosity of Queenslanders. More information about Cancer Council Queensland is available at or via the Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20. For more information or interviews, please contact: Katie Clift, Head of Media…

News: Regional cancer patients are being short changed: Cancer Council calls on State Government to take action

Cancer Council Queensland has called on the State Government to overhaul the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme, following a scathing report by the Queensland Ombudsman. Cancer Council CEO, Ms Chris McMillan, said hundreds of cancer patients were being short-changed by the…

News: Cancer Council launches prostate cancer call-in

…about Cancer Council Queensland is available via Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20 or For more information or interviews, please contact: Katie Clift, Executive Manager, Media and Spokesperson, Cancer Council Queensland Ph: (07) 3634 5372 or 0409 001 171…

News: Cancer Council campaign breaks the silence on bowel cancer

…over 50 who currently fall outside the target group, or anyone concerned about bowel cancer, should talk to their GP about bowel cancer screening. More information about the Cancer Council advertisement is available at More information about Cancer Council…

News: Cancer Council campaign breaks the silence on bowel cancer

…over 50 who currently fall outside the target group, or anyone concerned about bowel cancer, should talk to their GP about bowel cancer screening. More information about the Cancer Council advertisement is available at More information about Cancer Council…