Search: cancer of unknown primary

Cancer Clinical Trials Support Scheme

…improving cancer treatments and supporting cancer patients. The Cancer Clinical Trials Support Scheme plays an essential role in increasing the awareness, positive perception and funding of cancer clinical trials in Queensland. Contact For further information about the Cancer Clinical Trials…

News: Meet Jenny, Cancer Connect Volunteer

…the switch to Cancer Council Queensland in 2006 – after her younger sister was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003. Jenny’s cancer journey continued in 2006, when she was diagnosed with lung cancer. Back then, lung cancer had a stigma…

Skin Cancer

…and basal cell skin cancers are sometimes called nonmelanoma skin cancers. Nonmelanoma skin cancer usually responds to treatment and rarely spreads to other parts of the body. Melanoma is more aggressive than most other types of skin cancer. If it…

News: Robotic surgery giving hope to prostate cancer patients

…prostate, breast or ovarian cancer. “If men have questions about their individual risk of prostate cancer, we recommend they speak with their GP to discuss risk factors and pros and cons of prostate cancer testing.” Prostate Cancer Foundation Australia National…

non-epithelial ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer that does not start in the lining of the ovary. Types include germ cell ovarian cancer and sex-cord stromal cancer….

Latest cancer statistics

…An online data dissemination tool that provides the latest available statistics on cancer incidence, mortality, survival and prevalence for the most common cancers in Queensland. Access QCSOL Australian Childhood Cancer Statistics Online Australian Childhood Cancer Statistics Online provides recent incidence,…