Search: Skin Cancer

Blog: Cervical cancer survivor celebrates five years cancer free

…is needed to move forward and help eliminate the disease. More information about cervical screening visit If you, or a loved one, has been impacted by cervical cancer, please call Cancer Council’s 13 11 20 for information and support….

Share your cancer story

Have you or someone you love been touched by cancer? Help us give hope to Queenslanders affected by cancer by sharing your story. Stories like yours provide comfort and support to others whose lives have been touched by cancer. We…

News: New childhood cancer research examines stage of cancer at diagnosis

cancers in Australia: a population-based study’ was published in Cancer Epidemiology and the paper ‘Stage at diagnosis for children with blood cancers in Australia’ was published by the journal Pediatric Blood & Cancer. This work was supported by Cancer Australia…

News: Cancer Council calls on women to get cancer screening rates on target

cancer cases in Australia.” Cancer Council Queensland recommends all Queensland women undertake recommended screening for all cancers. “Early detection is crucial in the fight against cancer, and in improving female cancer survival rates,” Ms Clift said. “Talk to your GP…

News: Cancer is on the rise. But is it all bad? Award winning Australian Cancer Atlas doubles down on the digits

Cancer Atlas. This funding boost helps Cancer Council Queensland develop the next phase of the Australian Cancer Atlas. This will include examining how the geographical patterns change over time, additional measures of cancer burden, and more innovative ways of communicating…

News: More care needed for cancer screening: Cancer Council

Only 39 per cent of eligible Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast and Wide Bay residents are participating in bowel cancer screening, and fewer than 60 per cent are taking part in breast and cervical cancer screening, new stats show. Cancer screening

News: Regional cancer patients are being short changed: Cancer Council calls on State Government to take action

Cancer Council Queensland has called on the State Government to overhaul the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme, following a scathing report by the Queensland Ombudsman. Cancer Council CEO, Ms Chris McMillan, said hundreds of cancer patients were being short-changed by the…

News: Cancer Council Queensland volunteers the unsung heroes of cancer control

Cancer Council Queensland in 1961 and have since played a vital part in the improvement of cancer control. “Cancer survival alone has improved by more than 30 per cent over the past 20 years. “From our cancer support volunteers, to…

News: Queensland researchers discover cancer kill switch for breast cancer subtype

…surviving, a diagnosis.” For more information about Cancer Council Queensland, visit or call 13 11 20 For more information or interviews, please contact: Laura McKoy, Media Manager, Cancer Council Queensland Phone: (07) 3634 5345 Mobile: 0409 001 171  …

News: Cancer Council helps parents talk to kids about cancer

…be obtained by calling Cancer Council on 13 11 20. More information about Cancer Council Queensland is available at or 13 11 20. ENDS For more information or interviews, please contact: Katie Clift, Executive Manager, Media and Spokesperson, Cancer