Search: prostate specific antigen (PSA)

Research Funded by CCQ

…co-designed with specific cultural populations to ensure relevance, further optimise access and ensure equality for all Queenslanders with cancer. Lead Investigator: Dr Nicola Waddell Administering Institution: QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute Project Title: LUCKI STARS: Lung cancer knowledge in immunogenomics…

Funding Opportunities

Cancer Council Queensland is proud to offer funding opportunities for cancer research in Queensland. Cancer Council Queensland Next Generation Cancer Research Fellowships Cancer Council Queensland is pleased to offer a funding opportunity for early career researchers in Queensland: “Cancer Council

targeted therapies

Treatments that attack specific weaknesses of cancer cells while sparing healthy cells. These treatments use drugs or other substances to selectively target proteins or other molecules involved in cancer cell growth. Two types of targeted therapies are drug therapies and…

hormone receptors

Proteins in a cell that bind to specific hormones.

Fundraising events

Run, walk, cycle, shave your hair, climb a mountain, host an Australian Biggest Morning Tea … or fundraise your way. The fun is endless when fundraising for Cancer Council Queensland and your contribution helps us get closer to a cancer…

Cancer Counselling Service

…What is the Cancer Counselling Service? The Cancer Counselling Service is Queensland’s leading cancer specific counselling service. This service is staffed by nurse counsellors and registered psychologists, all with training and experience in helping people affected by cancer. Counselling can…