Search: radioisotope treatment

News: Volunteers celebrate 25 years of the Gluyas Rotary Lodge

…it opened in 1991, the Gluyas Rotary Lodge has provided vital access to life saving treatment and support services for more than 5000 regional Queenslanders. CCQ’s six lodges statewide are vital to cancer control – helping us address geograghic barriers…


A patient who stays in hospital while having treatment.

multidisciplinary (MDT) care

A system where all members of the treatment team collaborate to discuss a patient’s physical and emotional needs as well as any other factors affecting their care. The team meets to review cases and decide on different treatments and care….

Research snapshot – Life expectancy changes after cancer by geographic location Kou 2020

…Queensland. Those who lived in more socioeconomically disadvantaged areas and those areas more than an hour travel from the closest radiation treatment facilities, had higher LOLE than those in the rest of the state. For cancer patients diagnosed in 2016,…

alternative therapies

Unproven therapies that are used in place of conventional treatment, often in the hope that they will provide a cure.


A diagnostic x-ray machine that is used to ensure the correct alignment of the treatment beam with the tumour….


A doctor who specialises in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions, including melanoma.


A patient who is not hospitalised overnight but who visits a hospital, clinic, or associated facility for diagnosis or treatment….


When a woman stops having periods (menstruating) and can’t become pregnant anymore. This can happen naturally or because of treatment….

Share your cancer story

Have you or someone you love been touched by cancer? Help us give hope to Queenslanders affected by cancer by sharing your story. Stories like yours provide comfort and support to others whose lives have been touched by cancer. We…