Search: urothelial cells


Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. A type of protein found on most cells in the human body.

immune system

A network of cells and organs that defends the body against attacks by foreign invaders, such as bacteria and viruses.


A type of neuron that connects other neuron cells in the brain and spinal cord.

lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)

Abnormal cells in the lobes of the breast.

lymphatic system

A network of capillaries ducts and nodes that removes excess fluid from tissues, absorbs fatty acids and transports fat, and produces immune cells….


Cancerous. Malignant cells spread and can eventually cause death if they are not treated….


When a malignant tumour is surgically removed some surrounding tissue will be removed with it. If this surrounding tissue does not contain any cancer cells it is said to be a clear margin….


One of the three types of cells that make up the skin’s epidermis. Melanocytes produce melanin….

sputum cytology test

Examination of sputum under a microscope to look for cancer cells….

naevus (plural: naevi)

A small dark spot on the skin that arises from skin cells called melanocytes. Also called a mole….