Search: sex-cord stromal cells

red blood cells

One of three types of cells found in the blood. They carry oxygen around the body. Also called erythrocytes….

News: 3D models mimic cells to fight aggressive ovarian cancer

…project, we use a 3D culture model to mimic the cancer cells that float in the ascites that accumulates in the abdomen of women with ovarian cancer. “We use another 3D model of the cancer cells invading the abdominal wall…


A type of neuron that connects other neuron cells in the brain and spinal cord.

targeted therapies

Treatments that attack specific weaknesses of cancer cells while sparing healthy cells. These treatments use drugs or other substances to selectively target proteins or other molecules involved in cancer cell growth. Two types of targeted therapies are drug therapies and…


The major male sex hormone produced by the testes. It promotes the development of male sex characteristics….


Surgery that involves cutting into the spinal column and removing a spinal cord tumour.


The membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord….


Surgery to remove a vocal cord.


A doctor who specialises in the structure, function and diseases of the nervous system (including the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves)….

Share your cancer story

Have you or someone you love been touched by cancer? Help us give hope to Queenslanders affected by cancer by sharing your story. Stories like yours provide comfort and support to others whose lives have been touched by cancer. We…