Search: central venous access device (CVAD)

chemotherapy pump

A portable device that allows a person to receive chemotherapy at home. The pump is usually attached to a central line and carried around a person’s waist in a bag or belt holster.


A procedure to look inside the uterus using a telescope-like device called a hysteroscope.

mechanical speech

The use of a battery-powered device (such as an electrolarynx) to create vocal sounds….

Research snapshot – Access to Aboriginal community-controlled primary health organisations and Pap test participation Dasgupta 2021

…Community-Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs). However, better access to ACCHO primary care did not fully explain the higher participation in North Queensland. What does this mean? Improving access to primary health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, especially through…

News: Volunteers helping Queenslanders access important resources

…and treatment options can help them feel more in control and prepared for what is happening. One of the ways Cancer Council Queensland helps people access this information is through the distribution of educational resources. This important service is made…

News: Patients win access to earlier super at end of life

Cancer Council Queensland has commended the Federal Government for improving early access to superannuation for Australians affected by life-limiting illnesses. Yesterday, the Government announced an amendment to enable Australians living with a terminal illness to access their superannuation early and…

News: World Cancer Day: Cancer leaders call for equal access to reduce premature cancer deaths by 25%

…NCD premature deaths by 2025. [1] World Health Organization (2017) Seventieth World Health Assembly, Agenda item 15.6: Cancer prevention and control in the context of an integrated approach [Accessed:21.12.17] [2] World Health Organization (2017) Cancer Fact Sheet. [Accessed:20.12.17]…

News: Hero access to Australia’s largest triathlon event

…8000 tickets selling out usually within a week of registrations opening,” Ms Clift said. “By registering on behalf of CCQ, you’ll secure your space, be assigned a fundraising page and coach, gain access to the exclusive charity check-in queue and…

spinal cord

The portion of the central nervous system enclosed in the spinal column, consisting of nerve cells and bundles of nerves that connect all parts of the body with the brain….

Research snapshot – CNS tumours in Australian children Youlden 2021

What is known? Central Nervous System (CNS) tumours occur in the brain and spine. They account for an estimated 21% of childhood cancers diagnosed worldwide and represent the most common cause of childhood cancer-related deaths in high-income countries. What is…