Search: central nervous system

News: New radio show helps Central Queenslanders live and stay well

…Fresh FM every Saturday morning from 8:30am to 9:30am, with the program also podcastable at Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift said she was pumped to be bringing the radio show to Central Queensland, offering the best health and…

News: Central Queensland weighs – in above average

Central Queensland adults are tipping the scales above average, with new stats showing the region’s adult obesity rates are up to 36 per cent higher than the overall Queensland rate. The State Government has released findings from the Self-reported health…


A surgeon who specialises in operations on the nervous system….


A doctor who specialises in the structure, function and diseases of the nervous system (including the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves)….

glial cell

A type of nervous system cell that surrounds and holds neurons in place; nourishes them; and gets rid of dead cells and germs. Also called neuroglia.

Hickman line

A type of central venous access device inserted into a vein in the chest.

chemotherapy pump

A portable device that allows a person to receive chemotherapy at home. The pump is usually attached to a central line and carried around a person’s waist in a bag or belt holster.