Search: breast reconstruction

Research snapshot – Severity and risk factors of interval breast cancer Kou 2023

…of more than 3,300 women diagnosed with breast cancer in Queensland between 2010 and 2013. What is new? Compared with breast cancers detected during a screening mammogram, interval breast cancers were more likely to be diagnosed as late stage, high…

Research snapshot – Decisions and prompts to screen for cervical, bowel and breast cancer

…their cancer screenings. What is new? We explored what makes people screen for breast, bowel, and cervical cancer. People who do have regular cancer screening were asked why they screened, and what prompted them to act. We found that people…

Research snapshot – Breast cancer statistics for young females in Queensland Youlden 2020

What is known? Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed among adolescent and young adult females (ages 15-39) worldwide. Younger age has been identified as an independent predictor of poorer prognosis for breast cancer, even after accounting for tumour…

non-invasive breast cancer

Cancer that is confined to the ducts or lobules of the breast….

News: New hope in battle against drug-resistant breast cancer

…HER2, a protein found on the surface of breast cancer cells. Around one in five breast cancer patients are HER2-positive. Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in Queensland women – around 2900 new cases are diagnosed each year,…

Research snapshot – Prognostic model for women diagnosed with breast cancer Baade 2022

…this mean? These results confirmed the prognostic importance of identifying the stage, grade and clinical subtype of breast cancers, in addition to highlighting the independent survival benefit of breast cancers diagnosed through screening. Understanding what additional factors contribute to the…

News: Cancer Council backs pre-booked breast screens

…familiarise themselves with the normal look and feel of their breasts,” Ms Clift said. “All women should also see a doctor immediately if they notice any unusual breast changes.” Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in Queensland women…

News: Pre-booked breast screens roll out statewide

…with the normal look and feel of their breasts,” Ms Clift said. “All women should also see a doctor immediately if they notice any unusual breast changes.” Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in Queensland women – around…

News: New research highlights importance of screening for breast cancer patients

…effective ways to detect early signs of breast cancer,” he said. Rockhampton local and breast cancer survivor, Kate MacGregor, knows all too well the heartbreak of being diagnosed with breast cancer at a later stage. Kate was just 26 years…

Blog: Be breast aware – it could save your life

…colour of the breast, dimpling, puckering, or any unusual breast pain. Our hope is that all women get to know their breasts better, become breast aware and participate in recommended screening. Your personal health is too important to ignore. Breast