Search: breast care nurse

primary health care provider

A health professional, such as a general practitioner (GP) or community nurse, who provides the first point of contact for a person to help them with a range of health care matters….

non-invasive breast cancer

Cancer that is confined to the ducts or lobules of the breast….

Research snapshot – Decisions and prompts to screen for cervical, bowel and breast cancer

…who had screenings for breast and cervical cancers chose to participate because it was part of their healthcare routine and found reminders were a useful prompt and motivator. Bowel screeners often made the choice to participate when their screening kit…

breast reconstruction

The surgical rebuilding of a breast after a mastectomy.

breast oedema

Swelling caused by too much fluid in the breast tissue.

breast conserving surgery

Surgery to remove part of the breast. Also called a lumpectomy.

Research snapshot – Factors associated with high severity breast cancer Kou 2020

breast cancer at diagnosis in the Australian population. What is new? We carried out an analysis of the results based on a study of a large cohort of over 3300 women diagnosed with breast cancer in Queensland. We found that…

News: CCQ helps to fund breast cancer breakthrough

A grant from CCQ has led to a research breakthrough that could help doctors to beat the most deadly and difficult to treat breast cancers. The breakthrough involves the identification of a genetic treatment target for aggressive breast cancers, thanks…

Research snapshot – Severity and risk factors of interval breast cancer Kou 2023

…of more than 3,300 women diagnosed with breast cancer in Queensland between 2010 and 2013. What is new? Compared with breast cancers detected during a screening mammogram, interval breast cancers were more likely to be diagnosed as late stage, high…

Research snapshot – Breast cancer statistics for young females in Queensland Youlden 2020

What is known? Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed among adolescent and young adult females (ages 15-39) worldwide. Younger age has been identified as an independent predictor of poorer prognosis for breast cancer, even after accounting for tumour…