Search: axillary lymph nodes

metastatic neck cancer with unknown primary

Cancer that is found in the lymph nodes of the neck but the primary location cannot be located. It may have started as a head and neck cancer, and is often treated as such….


A procedure in which a radioactive substance is injected into the skin to identify sentinel lymph nodes….


A surgical procedure that allows a surgeon to examine the lymph nodes at the centre of the chest and remove a sample, if necessary….


Persistent swelling in tissues as a result of obstruction or damage of lymphatic vessels or lymph nodes from infection, cancer or cancer treatment….

localised melanoma

A melanoma that has not spread from its starting point to lymph nodes or other organs.


The area in the chest between the lungs. It contains the heart and large blood vessels, the oesophagus, the trachea and many lymph nodes….


Removal of the lymph glands from a part of the body. Also called a lymph node dissection.


Removal of the lymph glands from a part of the body. Also called a lymph node dissection….

sentinel node

The first lymph node to receive lymph fluid directly from a tumour….

lymphatic system

A network of capillaries ducts and nodes that removes excess fluid from tissues, absorbs fatty acids and transports fat, and produces immune cells….