Search: invasive cervical cancer

News: Queensland cancer research boosted with $2 million research grant

…to improve treatment options and quality of life for Queenslanders diagnosed with cancer. The research grants will fund world-leading studies into various areas including immunotherapy, new ways to treat acute myeloid leukaemia, melanoma, breast cancer and lung cancer, and more….

News: Childhood cancer statistics available online for the first time

…the clear potential to inform and track the success of interventions targeting improved diagnosis and survival for children with cancer.” Currently, funded by Cancer Australia through the Australian Government’s Fighting Childhood Cancer Measure, Cancer Council Queensland is collecting cancer stage…

News: Where women live influences decisions about breast cancer treatment

New joint research has found that the distance to cancer services may be influencing the treatment intentions of regional Queensland women diagnosed with breast cancer. Specifically, a study by QUT, Cancer Council and BreastScreen Queensland found that where a woman…