Our Privacy Position Statement

Your privacy is important. 

We take privacy seriously. We are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information.

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CCQ takes privacy seriously. We are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information.

This statement applies to personal information collected by Cancer Council Queensland (“CCQ”, “we”, “us” and “our”). The purpose of this Privacy Position Statement is to provide an easy to understand summary of CCQ’s personal information handling practices. Full details of those practices are set out in our Privacy Policy.

Policy Statement and Details


It is CCQ’s usual practice to collect personal information directly from the individual that the personal information concerns. However, sometimes CCQ will collect personal information from a third party. If we have collected your personal information from a third party we will, whenever reasonably possible, make you aware that we have done this and why. The types of information we collect and how we collect that information is set out in paragraph 4 of our Privacy Policy.

Use and Disclosure

CCQ will only use and disclose your personal information for the purposes for which it was collected; or for a purpose that you have consented to, which is directly related to one of our functions or activities listed in paragraph 5.1 of our Privacy Policy. This is subject to limited exceptions (set out in paragraph 5.2 of Privacy Policy).

CCQ will not disclose your personal information to parties external to CCQ unless we have your consent; we are legally obliged or permitted to do so; or those third parties either assist CCQ in carrying out its services, are in some way aligned with CCQ, or are charitable or likeminded. Examples of those third parties are listed in paragraph 6.1 of CCQ’s Privacy Policy.

Paragraphs 7 and 8 of our Privacy Policy contain details of when we may use your personal information for direct marketing purposes and when we may disclose your personal information to overseas recipients.

Security, Access and Complaints

CCQ takes reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold against unauthorised access, loss, use, modification or disclosure. This includes following our Data Security Incident Response Plan if there is a confirmed or suspected Data Security Incident. Please see paragraph 9 of CCQ’s Privacy Policy.

Please contact us if you wish to gain access to your personal information or if your personal information needs to be updated. You can also contact us if you wish to make a complaint. Paragraph 10 of CCQ’s Privacy Policy contains further information about access and complaints.

CCQ’s Obligations

CCQ is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). CCQ may also be contractually obliged to comply with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) in relation to certain personal information. When performing certain functions for the Queensland government, we may also be obliged to comply with the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld). For more information, please see CCQ’s complete Privacy Policy.

How to contact us

If you are a fundraising supporter you can contact us at donorrelations@cancerqld.org.au; on our Supporter Hotline 1300 65 65 85; or Philanthropy and Supporter Experience, Cancer Council Queensland, PO Box 201, Spring Hill Qld 4004. For opt outs, corrections and deletions you can contact us at crmoperations@cancerqld.org.au; or Data Services, Cancer Council Queensland, PO Box 201, Spring Hill Qld 4004. For all other privacy related enquiries please contact us at privacyofficer@cancerqld.org.au or Privacy Officer, Cancer Council Queensland, PO Box 201, Spring Hill Qld 4004.

An example of how we might use your personal information

Jenny lives in Queensland, is hosting in a Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event in Queensland and registers as a host. The personal information that Jenny provides during her online registration at Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is received by Cancer Council New South Wales, which is the Cancer Council entity which manages and facilitates national Cancer Council fundraising campaigns, and Cancer Council Queensland.

Cancer Council Queensland will send Jenny information in relation to her planned Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event, and future Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea events, and may also send Jenny information about other Cancer Council Queensland events, products, services and programs. Jenny may opt out of receiving such further information from Cancer Council Queensland at any time. Cancer Council Queensland and Cancer Council New South Wales will manage Jenny’s personal information in accordance with their legal obligations under the Privacy Act.