General Media Release

This page contains general media releases for CCQ

Increase in teenagers’ screen use a new threat to long-term health

New research released today (19/2) by Cancer Council Australia and the National Heart Foundation of Australia shows Australian teenagers are spending increasing time in front of electronic devices such as computers, laptops, tablets, video games and TV. The updated National Secondary Students’ Diet and Activity Survey found 77 per cent of Australian teenagers spent more…

Cancers triple in Queensland in 30 year period

The number of cancers diagnosed each year in Queensland has more than tripled in 30 years, from 8250 cases diagnosed in 1982 to 25,614 cases in 2012, new Cancer Council stats show. Cancer Council Queensland’s Cancer Research Centre has released 2012 data (the latest available) on cancer incidence, trends and mortality for Queensland. Despite the…

International Childhood Cancer Day

Dear Editor, Over the weekend, the world marked International Childhood Cancer Day – a collaborative initiative to raise awareness about the impact of childhood cancer and to support children, families and friends affected. Nationally, around 640 children aged 0-14 years are diagnosed with cancer each year. In Queensland, about 144 children are diagnosed annually –…

Queensland focuses in on forgotten cancers

Cancer Council will today launch the Forgotten Cancers Project in Queensland, giving hope to men and women diagnosed with the State’s less common cancers. Launched by Cancer Council Victoria in 2011, the Forgotten Cancers Project aims to understand the causes of less common and/or under-researched cancers for better outcomes. Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift…

Sunscreen isn’t a suit of armour

Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift helps us stay SunSmart by breaking down the difference between SPF30 and SPF50+ sunscreens. SPF30 or SPF50+ sunscreen? Sure, there is a bigger number on the bottle – but many of us don’t understand the difference between the two. SPF50+ sunscreens first hit the shelves in January last year,…

New hope in battle against drug-resistant breast cancer

Women with drug-resistant forms of breast cancer may have new hope in their fight against the disease, thanks to a new drug being developed in Queensland. Pre-clinical trials of the experimental drug, MitoTAM, will begin in a matter of months at Griffith University, with funding from Cancer Council Queensland. Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift…

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